Tuesday, July 26


There hasn't been any, at least on my car.

I have a plan, however. Rather than stripping my parts-car completely, and then waiting another million years before fixing up my good car with the donor parts, I think I'll put the two cars side-by-side in my carport and move the necessary parts across from one car to the other, one part at a time. I can then park the Toyota in the garage.

It might make my house look a bit ugly, but it will certainly be easier to get work done.

We'll see how it goes. Might have to have an Alfa working bee/party when the weather gets a bit nicer. With a BBQ and drinks and stuff. And music. And Alfisti.

Tuesday, July 12


The 155 is back on the road again. I now have custom built fuel line, made from metal rods. All good. Shouldn't have this problem again.

The Series 3 is back!

Hey everyone,

My Car is back!

I had to get:
4 new tyres @ $96 each
the exhaust repaired @ $168
the seat rail repaired @ $100
the WOF @ $44
and the reg @ $103

So all up a bit over $700 to get her back on the road again! But all worth while! such a nice car to drive.
